Programs & Services

Overview Information

Access: Self-Referral

Ages: 16+

Cost: Free

Griffin Community Support Network (GCSN) provides crisis and transitional supports to assist adults with a developmental disability including those with complex needs such as dual diagnosis (i.e. developmental disability, mental health challenges and/or behavioural challenges) and their families to transition successfully into increased independence in the community. 

GCSN  represents  approximately thirty-five (35) partnering agencies working collaboratively through an arrangement of formalized partnerships to provide a wide range of time limited services and supports. Supports include specialized assessments, crisis response, consultation and/or treatment, short term case management services, day programming options and residential safe beds.


These two services provide access to time-limited funding and other supports that are intended to either address unexpected circumstances where a family requires temporary supports such as family emergencies or health care needs of the individual or his/her family/unpaid caregiver; or in more urgent situations which require a more urgent response such as when the individual is at risk or is homeless, or the individual’s support needs have changed to such an extent that their current support arrangement may soon become untenable and their well-being is at risk.

Additional Access Information:

Access to Urgent Response or Temporary Support Services is through Developmental Services Ontario-Toronto Region at 1-855-372-3858.


  • Ask for the Adult Intake Worker Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • After hours please contact Gerstein Centre
  • Monday to Friday: 6:00 pm to 9:00 am

Contact Us:

For more information, please call 416-222-3563, 9am-6pm Monday to Friday or 416-929-9897 after hours 6pm-9am or fill out the form below.

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