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Lumenus saved my life –Taylor’s story

Most teens are worried about what party to attend, what outfit to wear and who their friends are.

By the age of 14, I was worried about where my next meal was going to come from, trying to get to school, dealing with court, and when I was going to get high. At 15, I began attending Lumenus’ Day Treatment Program. I really wasn’t ready for school and my first couple of years were rough. Then I found out that I was pregnant. I stopped using drugs and began applying all the lessons I learned at Lumenus to my life. Now, in my fourth year at Lumenus, I can’t see my life without it. Not only have they helped me develop skills to deal with my emotions, they’ve worked with me to finish high school and continue on to college. Lumenus saved my life.

Learn more about Lumenus’ Day Program Education here.

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