As Lumenus is a provincially funded organization that received public funds of $10 million dollars or more in the previous fiscal year of the Government of Ontario, Lumenus complies with the mandatory accountability and transparency requirements of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 and the associated applicable directives, specifically:
- The BPS Business Documents Directive
- The BPS Expenses Directive
- The BPS Perquisites Directive
- The BPS Procurement Directive
Details about the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 and its associated directives can be viewed at
In addition to these mandatory requirements, Lumenus implements policies, procedures and practices consistent with appropriate best practice guidance from the Canadian Centre for Accreditation, the Government of Ontario, the Developmental Services Sector, the non-profit sector and guidance from various financial, legal and business advisors.
During the period April 1st to March 31st the organization did not engage a lobbyist to provide lobbyist services from funds provided by the Government of Ontario.